About Healing Rhyyithm
Mission , Vision & Values
Our mission is that everyone gets process-oriented personalized services and mental health support they need.We aim to provide services which are accessible, culturally competent, holistic and wellness focused. We believe that each of us can discover our own unique language by expressing through art, and find inherent joy in the process of being in harmony with oneself and with the environment. their inner self and to set everything in and around them follow a rhythm.
We envision to promote improved mental health well-being for all individuals through therapeutic interventions, education, support and advocacy. We strive for people’s awareness of their own mind-body connection, achieve mental wellness and express themselves with ease through dance, art, music and drama in safe space.
- Care and compassion towards the individual and community we serve.
- Respect for everyone’s unique path towards their own healing.
- Facilitate sessions and programs which offer solutions to the individual needs and help them achieve optimum levels of wellness.
- To work as a community of clients, peers, and professionals through trust, teamwork and mutual support.
- To operate from a no gender-bias viewpoint and offer services across the age and gender spectrum.
sessions and workshops
Benefits & Outcomes

Angira Chakravorty, Founder & Director of Healing Rhyyithm
A mind and movement integrator
Flow Facilitator
A degree in M.Sc(tech) in Bioinformatics, a stable job in an international school, a decade-long experience as an Indian classical dancer with a number of accolades weren’t enough to keep Angira Chakravorty Dasgupta happy in life. Her real passion lied in her zeal to reach out to people and help them through the healing powers of movement. So was born “Healing Rhyyithm”–a realization that rhythm is the core essence of happiness in life. Angira uses multidimensional and unconventional approaches of the body-mind techniques such as Dance Movement Therapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to integrate mind and movement.
She dives deeper into human psychology with her Dance Movement Therapy initiative – Healing Rhyyithm. Angira believes in the power of Empathy. She strives to provide a compassionate and safe environment for her participants and provides personal attention to each individual participating in Group Therapeutic Work. Through her initiative“ Healing Rhyyithm “ Angira exudes the confidence and joy of being in harmony with oneself and with the environment.
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